Sericol Nylobag NB Nylon Ink White

$139.90 incl GST

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SKU #59882


Air drying: 30-60 minutes followed by racking overnight. Convection oven: 100°C for 2 minutes.

Thinning & Wash-up

Up to 10% ZE805 Nylo Thinner.

For maximum opacity, print unthinned.

For hot shop conditions, use up to 10% ZE806 Nylo Retarder. Wash up with Seriwash Universal Screenwash or Actisol Superjet Screen Spray.


For maximum opacity: Nos. 34-62T monofilament. For printing fine detail: Nos. 77T-90T monofilament.

Stencil Type

Most solvent resistant types are suitable.

Recommend: Dirasol 916

Coverage & Mesh No.

16m2/ltr. No. 43T monofilament.


Many grades of nylon, polyesters and other synthetic fabrics.

Colour Range

19 including fluorescents.


High Opacity. Good Flexibility. Excellent Wash Fastness. Excellent Adhesion. Lead-free Pigmentation.


Stir well before every use. Before a production run, users should satisfy themselves of ink and fabric compatibility to ensure adhesion and fastness requirements are met.


Nylobag NB inks are for direct printing onto nylon bags and many other synthetic fabrics.



Nylobag NB can be used as a simple one-pack system but for more demanding requirements NB386 NB Catalyst is recommended for mixing into the base colours. NB Catalyst improves adhesion and fastness properties and decreases the possibility of adhesion deterioration over a period of time. Catalysed inks have a pot life of approximately 8 hours. Estimate the amount of ink required for a day’s work and thoroughly mix the ink base and catalyst in the following ratio:

Nylobag NB Ink                    90 parts by weight

NB Catalyst                            10 parts by weight

Catalysed ink left over at the end of the printing run should be discarded.

Hold-Out Additive:

When using catalysed ink, optimum ‘hold-out’ on absorbent fabrics can be achieved by additions of ZE811 Hold Out Additive. ZE811 is not recommended for uncatalysed ink and should be added to catalysed ink in the following ratio:

Nylobag NB Ink (Catalysed)       100 parts by weight ZE811 Hold Out Additive              1 part by weight

Flexibility Additive:

When using catalysed inks, improved flexibility on lightweight fabrics can be achieved by additions of NB431 Flexibility Additive. NB431 is not recommended for use with uncatalysed ink and should be added to the catalysed ink in the following ratio:

Nylobag NB Ink (Catalysed)       90 parts by weight NB431 Flexibility Additive            10 parts by weight

Adhesion and Pre-production Tests

Nylobag NB inks have good adhesion and flexibility on many nylons, polyesters and other synthetics. Certain fabrics may be finished or impregnated with waterproofing agents which may impair adhesion even a considerable period after printing. For many showerproofed and siliconised materials, improved results can be achieved by using Nylotex NX (See Product Information Sheet). For maximum adhesion to be obtained and maintained, catalyse the ink before use. Where lower opacity is tolerable, further improvements to adhesion can often be achieved by printing at a lower viscosity to aid penetration into the fabric.

In some cases, incompatibility between ink and fabric may lead to reduced tear resistance in the printed area – especially if catalysed ink is printed on very lightweight fabrics.


Uncatalysed inks have good wash fastness to I.S.O. Test Nos. 1 (40°C) and the United Kingdom Home Laundering Consultative Council Recommendations Nos. 5, 6 and 7 (40°C). Catalysed inks, with the exception of Opaque Fluorescent colours, have excellent wash fastness to I.S.O. Tests No. 3 (60°C) and 4 (95°C) as well as the United Kingdom Home Laundering Consultative Council Recommendation Nos. 2 and 3 (60°C) and 1 (95°C). Catalysed Opaque Fluorescent inks have excellent wash fastness to I.S.O. Tests No. 3 (60°C) as well as the United Kingdom Home Laundry Consultative Council Recommendations No. 2 (60°C). Catalysed inks also have very good fastness to dry cleaning.

Safety and Handling

Nylobag NB Inks:

  • Are formulated to be free from any chemicals toxic to health, carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic according to Directive 67/548/EC (as amended).
  • Contain barium and therefore should not be used on objects liable to be sucked or chewed by children.

NB386 NB Catalyst:

  • Contains isocyanate and should not be used by persons suffering from bronchitis or asthmatic symptoms.

Comprehensive information on the safety and handling of Nylobag NB screen inks and solvents is given in the appropriate Fujifilm Safety Data Sheet, available upon request.

Environmental Information

Nylobag NB Inks & NB386 NB Catalyst:

  • Do not contain ozone depleting chemicals as described in the Montreal Convention.



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