Aquarius Fixer Cold Cure Catalyst replaces Heatset Cold Cure Catalyst
Cold Cure Catalyst Instructions
Light and medium-coloured garments. Stencils: Use any water-resistant direct emulsion.
Additives: Supplied ready-for-use.
Curing Direct Prints: Catalyzed prints will set enough for stacking within minutes after printing and continue to cure at room temperature.
Wash tests should not be done for 24 hours after printing.
To speed up production, dry prints at approximately 250°F (121°C) for 2 minutes.
Catalyst: Aquarious Fixer Cold Cure Catalyst must be added in a ratio of 2% Catalyst to 1 quart of ink (1 to 64 by volume) for washfastness.
The ink/catalyst mixture has an average pot life of approximately 8 hours. Do not use the mixture after that period. The mixture may show signs of deterioration sooner, in which case it should be discarded.
Wash-up: Clean up with water immediately after printing. A commercial detergent containing at least five percent ammonia is recommended where ink may have dried in the screen. Follow by rinsing with lukewarm water.
Caution: Always test this product for curing, adhesion, crocking, opacity, washability and other specific requirements before using in production. Aerotex catalyst contains minute amounts of hazardous material and may cause an allergic reaction in sensitive people. Use plastic gloves when handling.