Title & Risk

1 - Payment is due before goods are delivered. Any payment or balance of any payment which is unpaid by the due date shall accrue interest at CCG’s prevailing overdraft interest rate. Interest will be calculated daily until payment in full is received.

2 - Where the Customer has established an approved credit account with CCG, payment for the goods must be made in accordance with any agreed credit terms (20th of the month following the date of invoice). Ordering of equipment from overseas requires a 50% deposit at the time of ordering, this deposit is to be received by CCG at the time of confirmation of the order. Should a deposit not be received, an order will not be placed. The balance of the payment will be required ahead of the equipment being shipped to the customer.

3 - CCG may suspend or terminate an order if, in CCG ’s opinion, the customer’s financial stability becomes impaired. If CCG subsequently receives full payment or satisfactory security for deliveries made and is satisfied as to the customer’s financial stability, future orders will remain unaffected. CCG reserves the right to cancel any order, re-evaluate all payment terms, or require full or partial payment or adequate assurance of the customer’s performance of its obligations under this agreement without liability to CCG in the event of a material adverse change to the customer’s financial position.

4 - CCG may offset any amount owed by the customer to CCG against any amount that is owed, or may become owing, by CCG to the customer. The customer waives any right to offset any amount that is, or may become, owing by the customer to CCG against any amount owing by CCG to the customer. This clause overrides any other document or agreement to the contrary.

5 - Where the customer is in default of its obligations in relation to payment, then notwithstanding any other rights and remedies available under this document, at law or otherwise, CCG will be entitled to:

(a) charge interest in accordance with clause - 1

(b) recover costs representing overdue amounts including but not limited to legal fees, debt recovery and repossession costs.

(c) terminate or suspend, without incurring liability to the customer, any contract in place between CCG and the customer for the sale or supply of goods and withhold any deliveries of goods which are the subject of any order accepted by CCG, whether under these terms or otherwise.

6 - If the customer wishes to pay by credit card, an additional charge of 2% will be applied.

Instagram @ccg_decorative_apparel

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