Mudtools Essentials Kit

$199.90 incl GST

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SKU #51352

So many Mudtools! Where does a new potter start? You have asked us which tools we recommend to start with and we’ve compiled our solution: The Mudtools Essentials Kit. The clay heads at Mudtools have gathered together what we feel are the indispensable basics:

•  3 Polymer Ribs: R1, Y2, G4

•  1 Mudshark (colour will vary)

•  1 Green Standard Cut-off wire

•  1 Stainless Long Scraper Rib (12 teeth)

•  1 Small Shredder (colour will vary)

•  1 Do•All Trim Tool

•  1 Mudsponge –  Blue Workhorse

All neatly boxed up for you!

Perfect for schools, workshops or anyone new to Mudtools!

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